Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finally Back!! 12/13/11

So after Thanksgiving and then a bout of upper respiratory infection/bronchitis, I was finally well enough to go back to class last night!

I only went in with the goal to practice everything I've relearned so far, because I didn't want to push myself too hard after being gone for a while and I still have a bit of chest congestion that makes it hard to breathe sometimes!

However, I ended up doing quite a bit of relearning!

Relearned Material

- 2 sets of bird stretches using my hands to move until I rebuild muscles to switch stance without them

- Katas 19-22 relearned!

- Iponn's relearned!

- Started relearning hand to hand techniques

Goals for 12/15/11

- Relearn the rest of the hand to hand techniques

- Start relearning bird kata and continue to do bird stretches to be able to get low again!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Been A While, Sorry!

Yikes, I've been forgetting to post on my blog! Not quite used to it yet! I haven't learned anything new yet because I'm trying to get the things I know so far down perfect before I start on new stuff. I keep making small mistakes here and there and I'm trying to train myself to know them right off the bat!

So my goals for now are to do my kata's and sparring techniques until I don't mess them up as often!

In good news,  I got to spar in class last Thursday and it felt great! I haven't sparred in a very long time and I hope that I can get back to using my techniques without thinking about them like I used to!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Goals and Achievements 10/21/11 and 10/22/11

I was sick on Thursday so no class!:( I think those vitamins I'm taking plus the meds the doc gave me that day killed whatever was trying to happen though, because Friday I felt much better! I was tired still but I made myself go out anyway!

Goals and Achievements for 10/21

- Practice all material relearned so far

- Finish learning Tiger Kata and start getting technique down

- Better my technique for Se Mu Ta Le

- Relearn new material: ended up being kata's 16 and 17

Goals for 10/22

- Practice all things relearned

- Relearn sparring techniques 11-15 or Kata's 18-20 (or both!)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Goals Fail :-/

I am disappointed to say that I wasn't able to get any goals done yesterday. Its only an excuse, but I am still weak and haven't learned to fight through pains. I bought new shoes and walked around in them all day. While I got great exercise with all the walking, by the time I got to Shaolin my feet hurt a fair amount and I really didn't do anything other then practice with our friend who is a white belt and doesn't know a whole lot yet. (So, I didn't go through all my stuff or learn anything new.) Its supposed to rain all the way until tomorrow night so no practice today either >.< I think I'm going to move the living room around so I can practice, I can do most stuff in place, at least to get things down by memory!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Shaolin Goals 10/16/11 and 10/17/11

Sorry guys! We took a break for a couple of days so there were no goals for those:) yesterday we practiced for an hour at the park!
Goals 10/16/11
- Practice kata's 1-15 with a better focus on technique
- Practice sparring techniques
- Practice Se Mu Ta Le (I'm gonna figure out the real spelling one day lol) with a focus on technique
Goals 10/17/11
- Finish relearning Tiger kata and focus on technique
- Practice katas, sparring techniques & se mu ta le with better technique

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Shaolin Goals 10/13/11

Today's Goals
- Relearn kata's 11-15
Goals Completed
- Half of Tiger Kata
- Kata's 11-15 relearned
- Began learning kata's 1-10 on the opposite side (extra!:) woot!)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Shaolin Goals 10/12/11

Shaolin Goals
- Relearn Tiger Kata

I would do more but I also have to practice all my other stuff today. My goals on class days will be longer since I have class with 3 black belts!