Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finally Back!! 12/13/11

So after Thanksgiving and then a bout of upper respiratory infection/bronchitis, I was finally well enough to go back to class last night!

I only went in with the goal to practice everything I've relearned so far, because I didn't want to push myself too hard after being gone for a while and I still have a bit of chest congestion that makes it hard to breathe sometimes!

However, I ended up doing quite a bit of relearning!

Relearned Material

- 2 sets of bird stretches using my hands to move until I rebuild muscles to switch stance without them

- Katas 19-22 relearned!

- Iponn's relearned!

- Started relearning hand to hand techniques

Goals for 12/15/11

- Relearn the rest of the hand to hand techniques

- Start relearning bird kata and continue to do bird stretches to be able to get low again!

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